Year 1
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April 26, 2020 Wow! One of the first photos you sent to me... Crazy how the time has passed. What a cutie :)

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June 20, 2020 You know... We look a bit odd here and I do not know why LOL. I appreciate you supporting me graduating and being there for me. 2020 really sucked, apart from you <3.

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August 17, 2020 Our first outing with my sister! What a great moment! Why did we dress like that?? 2020 was truly a dark time. No words for these fits SMH...

Year 2
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June 23, 2021 Okay now things are heating up! You looked so beautiful this day and I am glad to be apart of your graduation too.

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December 11, 2021 Here comes the era of me screenshotting every funny thing you send me. I have so many of these lmao. Just wanted to show you how cute you are ;)

Year 3
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March 4, 2022 Our first trip to the aquarium. I remember this really fondly. You were so cute with how excited you were with everthing and I really enjoyed too. I think this trip really brought back my love for animals and I am so grateful for that.

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May 6, 2022 Awww look at us. This was the first time you really met my family and they all adored you! I was so glad you wanted to come and join in with us for Kaku's wedding. It really was amazing to party with you seriously for the first time. It meant a lot to me that you went out of your comfort zone to dance and enjoy with me.

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July 1, 2022 This is one of my favourite photos of you. You look so pretty in the sunlight and you with the goodest boy (sometimes goodest boy). No story here I just love this :).

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August 28, 2022 Our first vacation! This was a great trip to Peachland. We basically played house the whole time haha. I will never forget the pure anxiety of the massive detour and nearly running out of gas. This is why I drive electric now lmao.

Year 4
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March 13, 2023 There is also no real story here but I just find this day really funny. Surrounded by children there was me getting excited about all the Marvel stuff lol. People probably thought you were my caretaker but its okay cuz this was super fun and I appreciate you coming with me.

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November 26, 2023 Our first visit to Seattle! This museum was soooo cool... I am not sure why this is one of the only photos I have of it but you get the idea haha. I am so glad you wanted to go and have a day here. I still crave that weird blueberry coffee I got near the end of the day.

Year 5
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May 7, 2024 This really represents all the hikes/walks you have taken me on. I really appreciate your persistance in this. I need to go out and see things like you do, and I appreciate you pushing me to be a better person.

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June 18, 2024 GODDD DAMNNN YOUU LOOK AMAZINGGGGG. Our first plane trip together. Only took 4 years haha (I am broke sorry). This trip was so amazing and I am so happy I could share it with you. From all the animals we saw to destroying the toilet after, we really experienced it all!

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July 13, 2024 Another trip to Seattle and another amazing time. I really enjoyed Mexico but these kinds of trips are always fun too! Our first music festival of many I am sure.

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January 25, 2025 For whatever reason this is the only photo I have of you in 2025 lol. Funny car, you looking cute, what more could I ever want :).